Friday, August 12, 2011


There is a quote that says, "My life is an open book".  This story is founded on the premise that "My life is an open house".  The architectural design of this house is built upon metaphors.  All your senses will be put to use as you take in a panoramic view of each room. To visit the "OPEN HOUSE"  just follow these simple directions.  Go down memory lane and make a cautious hard right on the boulevard of self realization.
What's The Rush ?
Read this "Now" or read this "Later". Don't put off what has to be done. A humorous approach to the definition of the word "PROCRASTINATION" and why it effects so many people.
Living in the suburbs has its pros and cons. Richards tranquil lifestyle is interrupted when a new neighbor moves in.  Through careful planning and sweet revenge, Richard  once again regains the peaceful lifestyle he was accustomed to.
A Very Warm Holiday Spirit
A family reunites at a Victorian house for Christmas.  The snow is gently falling on the ground in this picture postcard setting.  The family cats routine changes the setting in this postcard to an inferno nightmare from hell.  So sit back with a glass of eggnog and enjoy this humorous holday tale.
Memories of a High Tide
The tides of the ocean cause a young man to look back and reflect on his early childhood. He remembers the close relationship he had with his grandfather when life was simple and the world was exciting.
In a land of hickory smoke fires, white birch trees, pine cedar cabins and elusive red foxes a legend begins.  This is a story of two men, one learns what he must do before he dies and another learns what he must do to begin to live.  A heart warming tale that will touch the very depths of your soul and give insight into the purpose and meaning of life.
One day, you were invited to a party.  The room contained all the literary icons of past and present that you admired most.  They were all suffering from a cultural block and needed your expertise to finalize their great works.  This is my humorous point of view as I enter into such a room.
The passage of life is reviewed through the eyes of both Bobby and Billy.  How we lived our life in relation to others is what really counts.  The question is, "Are we busy collecting and counting what really matters today or what really counts
 "The Message"
  The author goes on a Spritual search for
    the Supreme Being of Omnipotent knowledge. They converse
    & he is inspired to pass to his readers

The Puzzle that is me"
The author looks into the gene pool...and ask the question
                  Discovers his true identity
                 Who am I ? What am I & Why am I ? and he is moved to write
 "The Age of Contentment
                Logically after having a celestial epiphany and comprehending
                 what makes him "tick"............he reaches a state of euphoria
                 & enters The Age of Contentment

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Summer of Bliss

By James Gorman
    I’m reminded of a great hard rock classic song “The Summer of 69” by Bryan Adams. Sixty Nine was a defining year; the end of a decade was approaching.  From Woodstock to Vietnam, it epitomized a change in, politics, culture, economics, and finances. Peace, love and drugs were rampant. It was a Historical milestone than can never and will never be duplicated. In the summer of Sixty Nine, I was three months into the God Forsaken hot jungles of Vietnam. Stoned out of my patriotic mind on Thai sticks, what I remember and what I forgot is all blended into one big blur.  I was told I was defending the free world against the spread of Communism. If I met one, I was trained to kill it, fortunately for the both of us, God were never properly introduced us. Fifty two years later, if we met, I would buy him a pint and have a  intellectual conversation.
         But that was then and this is now. This is a story about the summer of 2011, my first retirement summer, It was the summer of Shakespeare, Horse racing, fireworks and festivals. Sunrise biking and moonlight dancing. Bob Dylan concert, new restaurants, multi media events, Tree of Life twice, Celtic Cross and a new home away from home, Johnny Mac’s, living on free pizza and cold pints of IPA Double beer.  One thousand Gospel singers and fifty bongos celebrating summer solstice. Healing masses by a relative of Padre Pio, biscotti, buttered scones and sidewalk cafes.  Italian ice & wet walnut sundaes, sandcastles and surfers. Seared blacken tuna with wasabi: switch from vodka martins to anything with spiced rum.  It was the summer of Thirty three short stories, two published and thirty one pending. I started surf fishing. A Celtic Riverboat cruise, laughing on the golf course at the 6.0 picnic.  New Friends, relations and  beginnings.  New tenants come & go a successful $20 K summer.   Passionate lovemaking with the scent of  coconut conditioner on a  body that has been kissed by the sun.  Sifting sorting, forwarding one thousand email jokes. The Klondike luncheon, bonding and solidifying strong friendships with those that care.   Kenny & the Stalkers playing the blues on the patio. It was the summer of new beginning, goals and triumphs.  The summer I fell in love with my wife of 34 years, renewed vows, redefining goals and financial shifts in investments. I fell in Love with God and Life.  I hope between God, my wife and life know one gets jealous. Memories to hold on to, that will last a lifetime.  I am excited to see what the fall brings, but now I live in the moment breathing and visualizing all my surroundings. The profound lesson I learned, “Is once you realize that you have maxed out for a lifetime on fear, anxiety and stress, you decide know more, by default you left with pure happiness and peace of mind”.  I live every day like it is my last.
Ps. I hope you enjoyed your summer.
The End
